being together

3 mins read

Art by Anna Denardin.

Every month, the Agam Agenda shares a letter from someone in our team: a personal message toward shaping kinder futures. Read the letter for November 2022 by Anna Denardin, our Art Director and Graphic Designer.

being together.

There is a tree in my parents’ backyard which is my favorite place to sit and look at the sky since I was a kid. The tree reaches directly to my bedroom’s window, and one night, during a thunderstorm, the wind was so strong that the astonishing noise of it passing through the tree’s branches seemed like waves crashing. I slept, and dreamt that the tree talked to me. 

I remember waking up having the certainty that the tree was my guardian. 

Some time after this episode, another thunderstorm came and a thunder reached the tree. Slowly, it died.

I was so sad, but continued to go sit under it and observe its branches swinging in the air. Time passed by, and mosses started growing in the tree. Climbing plants. Orchids. Small wild flowers. With the plants, many birds made a house in the tree, that even dead, carries so much life.

Life, in all its unpredictability, sometimes feels like an out-of-control whirlwind that throws everything out of place when we least expect it. However, if we look at these chaotic states more closely, we will realize the grandeur of what they truly represent.

Try watching the wind moving and transforming everything around, the trees bending and giving up everything that was no longer alive, the leaves dancing in the air.

The furious whistles promoted by the energy of the Earth, which penetrates the smallest cracks and finds paths through the densest forests.

Since that thunder, the storm has moved from the tree into me. My heart, dominated by the whirlwind, beats in concentric circles, sometimes so fast it won’t let me sleep at night. Maybe a matter of anxiety, maybe a matter of bodies that mix. Human and nonhuman in resonance. How deep it is to let oneself be crossed by the other, how much it is necessary to move from oneself to experience another experience of being.

being together.