Where do the grasses tend our earth?

1 min read
An invitation to meditate on Grasslands, offered by Agam Agenda.

We find our way to open fields, majestic plains.

See, these grasslands stretch outward from us: sites of creaturely friendships.

Watch the little ones close to the ground here, burrowing to tend to the land, restore the lifeforce of plains-water. Birds, bees, butterflies meet and sing and dance here. Pollinate here.

Wildness finds respite here in savannas and prairies.

Native lands like this lie on every continent. Now their rich soils are drying up. Enclosed. Overgrazed. Converted.

Here are sites of violence and here are patches of sustenance.

Our shared earth greets us in open spaces. When will we remember to call these fields home?

Words by Carissa Pobre and Padmapani Perez
Voice by Padmapani Perez
Video stitching by Mattie Balagat
Sound editing by Dru Ubaldo

Respond to these prompts with your creative work: whenisnow.org