Where are your roots?

1 min read
An invitation to meditate on Forests, offered by Agam Agenda.

You might be dreaming of your growth. Have you been dreaming of your roots?

The past and the present intertwine like tree branches.

Approach the nearest tree. Look around you. What truths are held by this tree?

Come closer. What trees were there when you were born? From what trees have you picked fruit? On whose branches do you sit and play? 

Follow the trail into the forest. How deep into the forest have you gone? What or who meets you there?

Do you remember when they were cut down? Did you know their names?

Vast and timbered lands. Broken stalks. Logged and hunted.

Forests hold us. They hold the land. They sustain breath.

They hold the water, even as they burn. How have we held them?

Forests are memory and history. Have you dreamt of them lately?

Words by Carissa Pobre
Voice by Mattie Balagat, Julia Javier, and Carissa Pobre
Sound editing by Dru Ubaldo

Respond to these prompts with your creative work: whenisnow.org