An invitation to conspire and create the Now we need.
When Is Now is a creative collaboration of poets, scientists, visual artists, and emerging leaders, calling for stronger climate action.
Our focus is to widen – and revolutionize – the climate conversation through storytelling and art. Together, we will produce linked poems and murals that reflect on national and regional demands for climate action, and people’s lived experiences of the climate crisis.
We are inviting poets and artists around the world to express the question “When?” in hundreds of different ways.
We invite you, as a poet and a storyteller, to ask and write about time, the planet, life and diverse forms of life, the place you live and the places you love, and how these are being transformed by the climate crisis. We invite you to write questions ranging from curious inquiry to urgent interrogation, or from caring queries to angry demands.
Other poets around the world will respond to your poem with their own questions and verses. All together, we will be interweaving lines of poetry into a web that stretches across the planet, asking “When?”, and demanding, “Now.”

Why Now?
The 26th UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow (COP26) is a moment of peak energy for climate mobilization. As governments invest trillions globally to restart their economies the world stands at a crucial juncture: a moment to set bolder commitments for climate action.
We are conspiring with Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner, the Ambassador for Culture of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and various friends of Agam Agenda’s network of writers, artists, scientists, community organizers, and policymakers in Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and Latin America.